Broward County is really unbelievable.
Most people think of Broward County as Fort Lauderdale. But it is so, so, so much more than that. Yes, there are 23 miles of beaches fringing the coast from Palm Beach to Miami-Dade County. Yes, Fort Lauderdale is a burgeoning metropolis with towering office buildings and high-rise condos -- with mighty price tags I might add!
But you can find anything that you desire in Fort Lauderdale.
This week, Jose and I have started on a project of photographing all of the artwork where we are missing high-resolution photography. Now that Jose has his fancy schmancy professional camera, we have scheduled many full days of traveling around the county to the locations where our public art resides.
In the process, we have seen just about everything possible.
Today alone we saw the dichotomy of the overcrowded cities with the many restaurants and galleries along the streets. Charming of course for urbanites. But then we were suddenly in a place that was Broward County of 30 years ago. We were surrounded by horses, cows and iguanas!!
Then we saw a school teaming with hundreds of children.
Another school, a college campus was on lockdown and we couldn't go into that building. A bit scary and too close to the national news stories that we have been hearing lately.
Later in the day we were in a densely populated neighborhood area . . . a bit on the run down side, but a place for many families.
Just seeing the many sites in the county brings me back to my days of working at Parks and Recreation. I used to drive a county car from park to park and I learned early on how to adapt to any office space. All I needed was a telephone, a desk, a typewriter and I was good to go! We were opening so many parks back in the 1980s and I had to travel quite a bit around the county. Back then, Markham Park was way out in the boondocks. Now Weston is barely halfway to the boondocks.
Times have changed, but if you seek you shall find what ever it is that you want to call home in Broward County.
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