Saturday, December 30, 2006

And So Another Year Comes To An End

As 2006 draws to an end, I reflect on what I have accomplished and what I hope to accomplish in the upcoming year.

As my friend Samantha suggested, I am drafting my personal goals here for what I want to achieve, independant of my job, my spouse, my children, my family. I have never done this before. Oh, I have made lists. In fact my entire life has been a series of lists. I LOVE to check items off of the list once I have completed that task. But I have never created a personal task list.

First, what have I accomplished this past year?
  • Created and maintained a blog
  • Traveled to Alaska
  • Cooked Thanksgiving Dinner
  • Gathered at least three times with my girlfriends to have a girls day to chat
  • Abandoned my car and used Mass Transit to get to work
  • Lowered and maintained my cholesterol
Okay, so what does this all mean? I have done something good for the environment, not to mention my soul by taking the Trolley to work. I don't deal with traffic or parking, and I have already read three novels. I did something healthy for my body by faithfully going to my doctor and monitored my blood levels. I did something for my mind by placing my private thoughts on digital paper and invited my family and friends to share these thoughts. I took time for Jody to rediscover who she is, not the mom or the wife, but the individual deep inside by talking with my girlfriends over glasses of wine. I proved to myself that I actually can cook if I want to and did it very well . . . with some coaching, but I did it! And last, but not least, I went 4,000 miles away from home and saw sites that were incredibly beautiful and completely unforgetable.

So what do I hope to accomplish this year?
  • Establish a will
  • Add funds to my retirement fund
  • Start planning Adina's Bat Mitzvah
  • Start taking dance classes
  • Take Adina on a trip over the summer
  • Explore photography more seriously
  • Read one book a month
I may add to this list and I may edit it. It sounds ambitious at the moment. But it is a starting place. One thing that is bothering me is that it isn't completely about me. But that is the "Gloria" in me! I am always thinking of others.

Happy New Year. May we all find healthy, happiness and prosperity in 2007.