So many people make New Years resolutions. What are resolutions? The dictionary defines them as: the act or process of resolving. So what are we resolving exactly??
Some people resolve to lose weight or go back to the gym. Others resolve to be more friendly or more organized.
But I don't really believe in resolutions. If you want to make a change, you have to want to make a change. And if that is true, then just do it.
Since I have been sick the past three days I have spent a lot of time in front of the television. So many talk shows dedicate segments to helping people fulfill their resolutions. They have segments on low fat food, on better exercises, on how to quit smoking. But in reality, unless a person wants help, no one can really reach out and help them.
Point in case . . . Britney Spears. Okay, I never really thought that I would bring her up in my blog, but now that I have . . . she is a very sad case. A child star, too much fame, too soon and can't ever live a normal life without cameras flashing in her face. Added on top of that, she got married when she shouldn't have. She had children when she should't have. She is now reported to have mental illness. So how can this person possibly help herself, even if she wanted to. Okay, so this is the ultimate extreme case.
Another point . . . my daughters are so unbelievably disorganized. I can't help them straighten out their rooms because two days later their rooms look exactly like it was before I helped. So, I just accept that they will have messy rooms and ignore it . . . as long as they don't mess up the rest of the house. Their house is their own person space and their signature. We do discuss it at times, in fact we discussed it at the dinner table last night. But I now know that unless they want the help, I can't help.
That goes for everyone. And that applies to New Years Resolutions as well. People usually do not stick with these resolutions. They think that they will, but then they slip a little bit and then a lot and then . . . oh well, forget it. Maybe next year.
that is why I don't make resolutions. If I want to change something about myself or my life, I just do it. I find that if I continue to do something for at least two straight weeks, then I am usually hooked and then it is a permanent change and it becomes a habit.
So, yes, here is a new year, and new beginnings so to speak. A fresh slate. I am happy with the changes that occurred in 2007 and this should lead to a much less stressful year. But, at least I did cut my hair about four inches. That was about the only resolution that I would allow!

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