Not really a typical day today. Started at 6 am when I woke up and had to throw the covers off because Adina had climbed into bed at some point during the night. She radiates so much heat that I couldn't stand it and I was stuck in the middle. That woke up Joel and the two of us started to have a conversation. Well, my little princess didn't like that and started crying because we were bothering her precious sleep. Doesn't matter that her heat waves woke me up! Oh well. Such is the life of a Mom!
I guess I dozed off again, but at 7:30 a.m. I could hear Joel flipping through the Sunday newspaper. So I joined him in the den with my iced coffee (always start a day with my iced coffee!!). I actually made it through the entire paper before it was time to take Adina to Hebrew School.
So off we trekked to school. Joel in one car and me in the other. We followed each other to Sears because Joel needed new tires on his car. On the drive to Sears, I called my Dad to wish him a good trip. He and Elaine are off to Philly for 10 days for Stephanie and Rob's engagement party -- can't wait to hear about that! And Cyndi is going to be honored by the ASID.
Of course we didn't find what we wanted at Sears. They gave us attitude about the ad in the newspaper. They just don't know how to provide customer service and they don't seem to care either. So we left, turned around and came back to try one more time and left equally as frustrated. So we headed up to Tires Plus.
Bingo, they not only had what we needed, but they gave us several deep discounts, a free tire and great customer service to boot. Can't beat that.
So Joel and I headed off to do our Sunday morning shopping -- you know stuff like laundry detergent and toilet paper!! Didn't do the food shopping yet, but at least we spent the morning together.
When we arrived back at the temple to pick up Adina, I ran into Meryl and Elana. Elana was telling me all about how she was inspired by Rachel's driving yesterday and so she drove to the temple today!
Yes, it is true. Rachel is driving. It is such a strange feeling for me to sit in the passenger seat beside my offspring as she turns the key of the ignition and starts the car and pulls out into TRAFFIC!! My baby is driving on the dangerous streets of South Florida. How scary is that. Not because Rachel is driving, but because I now have to worry about her safety from the other crazy drivers on the road.
Okay, so she only has her learners permit. I have an entire year to get used to this notion. But still. Just five years ago she was ten years old and in elementary school. Ten years ago she was in Kindergarten and fifteen years ago she was wearing diapers. Oh I guess I am getting melodramatic here.
Later in the day we made another trip to go pick the car and I headed off to the gym. It was a lovely workout because instead of using the machines or the mats in the corner, I went into the aerobics room because it was empty and did some dance exercises. Boy am I out of shape in that genre, but I enjoyed it anyway. Some plies using the wall to steady myself. I even practiced attitudes and arabesques and turns. I had a bit of a giggle because as I was doing these exercises listening to James Taylor, Billy Joel and Green Day -- there was this guy in there practicing his jabs at the punching bag! What a dichotomy!
Well after about an hour and a half, I had more than enough. I treated myself to a nice soak in the whirlpool. When you break a sweat in water, you know it is time to get out! But I then treated myself to a few minutes in the sauna. At that point I REALLY needed a shower. When I looked in the mirror I had to laugh out loud because my face was so very red.
But I feel great. I am now sitting and sipping water waiting for Joel to tell us when dinner is ready.
And so another Leshinsky weekend comes to a close. I guess I started out this line of thinking saying that today was NOT a typical day, however, it became exactly that! A typical Sunday! Nothing terribly dramatic, but I like consistency. It is very comforting to me.