How can I describe my life? It is basically a sit-com. Like something you might see on television.
The things that happen in my life -- unless you were a part of my life, you just wouldn't believe it. I mean, it is okay, but I definitely have to have a sense of humor, otherwise I would be going batty.
I mean just yesterday there were several events that took place that you couldn't write to make them funny. They just WERE funny.
Like yesterday morning. I am sitting at my desk, talking on the phone and in walks one of my employees. So very proud of himself that he remembered that it was my birthday. There was a beautiful bag of gifts that he placed on my desk and since I was on the phone he decided to come back in a few minutes. While I was finishing the call, I was staring at the yellow mums peaking out of the shiny gift bag. I was trying to concentrate on the call, and the person on the phone was being VERY difficult. But I finally made it through.
So, when I was finished with the phone call, Jose came back. As I said, he was VERY proud of himself and he wanted me to open all the presents. Which I GLADLY obliged! I pulled the beautiful flowers out. Then there was a bottle of wine -- Cabernet Sauvignon to be exact -- very nice Kendall Jackson. That will be savored one evening after work as I settle down on the couch in the living room. Then a candle in a jar with a sweet scent called "Raindrops." He reminded me that there was a card in the bag.
I dug deep into the tissue paper to find the card -- as I opened it, I think my blood pressure went up a few notches (not really). It said, "You're Turning 50!"
I laughed really loudly. Jose, of couse thinks I am enjoying the joke on the card. little did he know that the joke was on him! I finally stopped laughing long enough to tell him that I am NOT 50 yet! I know he was disappointed because of all the cute sayings he wrote inside the card! Things like: You are exactly twice my age; and when you were married I was just born."
Oy vey, they really LOVE to rub in the facts! They don't have a clue how quickly it all goes. I was just their age yesterday.
Anyway, that wasn't all. Later in the day, I was sitting on the trolley heading home. My new-found buddy on the trolley, Gwen who works at Broward Community College, asks me if I know all the other people on the trolley. I said, no but I do recognize their faces. With that, Gwen announces REALLY LOUDLY, "EVERYONE . . . this is Jody and it is her birthday today. Let's say happy birthday and tell her your name!"
I really didn't want her to do that, but it was funny and sweet at the same time. So everyone yelled out, "Happy Birthday," and they all introduced themselves, one at a time. Suddenly I felt like I was in the TV show, "Cheers."
Then, even later in the day, I was sitting on the couch, waiting for Joel to come home. I still wasn't sure where we were headed for dinner to celebrate my birthday. So I just sat there with Rachel, playing guitar. Joel called about three times. Once to say happy birthday, he would be home soon. Once to talk to Rachel (I figured they were conspiring something). And the third time to cryptically tell me that he was trying despirately to ditch our neighbor so that we could have a family dinner outing.
Well, by 7:30 p.m. Rachel and I were still sitting on the couch. I was getting cranky and Joel had tried for three hours to get Robert to leave. Oh, if I didn't mention, Joel was at the restaurant finding "busy" stuff to do to try to buy time and get Robert to catch on that he was busy.
Robert just didn't get it. So, he came along. Now I felt like I was in the sit-com "Seinfeld."
No, we couldn't write these situations. They just happen to us. They make us laugh or they make us crazy.
It is much better to laugh.
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