What affects a mood? Sometimes I can wake up in a great mood and it sticks with me all day. Other days, I can wake up in a great mood but an event, a comment or a stray glance can immediately affect my mood -- sometimes to a negative result.
Why am I so sensitive? I have always been this way. Even as a child, I was supersensitive to everyone around me. I see those same characteristics in Adina.
I have to work very hard at overcoming the emotions that come along with the swing in my moods. Sometimes I just give in to them and wallow in the negative emotions. It is these times that I just need to be alone to regenerate, relax and regroup.
We eat to nurish our bodies. We take vitamins to preserve our health. We take medicines to cure and prevent illnesses. So why can't we just take a mental health moment to heal our raw emotions?
When I take time for myself, I try to pamper myself in some way. A hot shower, comfy pajamas, scented candles, a glass of wine and a movie that takes my mind off of whatever it is that triggered my mood swing in the first place.
That is what I did last night. The best result is that I fell asleep at 10 pm and woke up feeling like a new person. I look back now and wonder why I felt the way I did. Where did those strong emotions come from and why did they affect me so deeply? Now it seems trivial.
But today, I can face the day with more energy, do whatever chores need to be done for the week and give my family the attention they need. If it means a mental health day, then I will just have to give in to those moments and heal myself.
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