Seems like a simple enough thing to do. Swing a racket toward a ball and get it over the net. Sounds like a plan. Well, then you have to factor in the other person who has the responsibility of hitting back over the net so that you can once again hit it. Oh, and don't forget to add in the the 91 degree temperature and the 80 percent humidity.
Well, Rachel has decided that she wants to join the tennis team in the spring. So I happily volunteered to go out there with my daughter and try to volley the ball back and forth. Ha! I can get the ball over to Rachel easily enough, but Rachel hits the ball back like she is playing baseball! If it isn't flying over the fence, across the street to the next block, then I am running over to the other courts to retrieve the ball!
Hey, it's all fun but I am burning up more calories in the act of retrieving the ball, than actually doing anything related to tennis.
I am hoping that with more practice, Rachel will actually move her butt a bit more and run toward the ball and then hit it with a bit more aim. I am finding that my endurance is not what it was, but hey, at least I am out there trying! And it is good quality time with my daughter.
So, if the end result is NOT the tennis team for Rachel, at least we are having a good time trying.
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