Adina and I trudged over to the pool with our towels and noodles and we were floating in the pool. It was all very relaxing. The last few days of summer vacation for the girls, I had taken off a few days from work so we could all be together.
Then we heard it. At first, we thought it was a bird. Then it sounded like a kitten. Then it sounded like a bird. Well, it was driving Adina crazy. Just as Rachel arrived at the pool, the two girls decided to search around the perimeter of the pool to find out what was making this noise. Then I heard it, "Mommy, come here quick." In that moment, I knew that my life had just turned a corner.
When I got over there, in Adina's hands was the smallest ball of fur that I have ever seen. The fur was grey. The face has white markings with the pinkest of pink nose and mouth. This squirming body was crying for help and we felt so badly for it. The neighbors were sitting on their porch and said that they had heard it too but also thought that it was a bird.
Then they asked . . . "Mommy, can we keep it?"

So we got dressed as fast as we could and ran over to the pet store and bought the items we needed and went home equally as fast.
This little baby ate so much and yes, we were able to get it to go to the bathroom. We were very proud of ourselves.
Now, how were we going to convince Joel that we wanted to keep him?? We plotted all afternoon. We knew that the kitten would need to be fed often, we just didn't know how often. That information would come the next day from the vet.
So when Joel came home, we showed him this adorable, sleepy bundle of fur. I knew he was sold from the moment he set eyes on him, but he acts tough to make the girls think of the consequences. He always finds a lesson to be learned. So he put all of the responsibility on the girls to figure out the care and feeding schedule.
Well, after we visited the vet the next day, we felt a lot better about keeping this kitten. He is very healthy, but he is only two weeks old. He only weighs 7 oz. and needs to eat four times a day, about 3 - 4 tablespoons of formula.
Well, so far, even with school that started yesterday, we have managed to keep up with the feeding schedule. Joel came home at 3 p.m. to feed him and he was fine. When I came home at 5:15 p.m. Joel and the kitten were cuddled on the couch in the den. It was a touching sight.
Grace, well, Grace is still not sure about this kitten. At first she growled all the time. Now she is curious and sniffs at the kitten and only growls a little. The vet said that it would take a few weeks for Grace to adjust to a new animal in the house.
Now the issue is . . . what to name him?? I wanted Woodstock. Joel and Rachel picked Hendrix. But we are still debating. And at this point, the kitten doesn't know the difference. We started a list last night and we will continue tonight!
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