There is definitely a different mind set when you are on vacation.
The pace of living changes. Time takes on a different meaning. Eating patterns change. Sleeping patterns change.
But then again, that is what vacations are for. To completely change your patterns so that you can regroup and recharge your batteries.
I completely enjoy staying home on vacation with my girls. We slept late every day. Everyday we cleaned up a different area of the house. One day it was the laundry room. Another day it was the pantry. Yesterday was Adina's bedroom. Wow, now that was a task that took six hours because we had to go through every single drawer and dump it out and get rid of whatever doesn't fit and then we did the same with her closet.
Once we finish, we get a fabulous feeling of accomplishment. It makes me laugh because these accomlishments are so simple but feel so wonderful.
So different than accomplishments at work. At work we expect to have milestones and check off the to do list from now and then and then at the end of the year we look back to see what we have accomplished.
But in our home lives, we don't usually think about milestones or to do lists. But if we did, we could look back and see all of the floors that we had scrubbed or the loads of laundry that we washed and dried. Not as impressive, but equally as or more important since it prepares us and creates the very foundation for the rest of our daily living. We can't possibly go to work in dirty or wrinkled clothing. We can't go to work hungry because we forgot to go shopping for food. So we do all this prep work at home. But when both parents work full time and have kids, the free time doesn't exist. Every moment matters. Every moment is programmed.
That is why I love the free time in my own home. If I don't want to get out of pajamas -- I just don't. If I want to watch TV until my eyeballs fall out -- I do. But the best part is that my two sweet girls enjoy doing nothing equally as much as I enjoy it.
So, my vacation has been a break from thinking in fast motion. Next week that will change, but I will be ready. I may not move as fast as I normally do, but I will be rested. At least for day number one!!
So for now, I am off to drift back into my vacation brain.
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